GAIA The Earth Foundation works to create positive synergies and interactions between People and Planet. GAIA leverages the power of media, technology, knowledge, youth, and affluence to bring about innovation and effective collaboration. GAIA The Earth Foundation functions as a multi-pronged movement with a mission to mainstream Sustainability and Sustainable Development similar to its affiliate organizations – BuzzOnEarth, India Model United Nations (India MUN), and GAIA Ventures. Our regenerative social forestry mission “Prakriti” is at the core of our vision to move beyond sustainability to regeneration!

- In the Accelerator program, we are actively building a global climate innovation ecosystem to nurture startups. By fostering innovation, we accelerate the development and adoption of sustainable solutions with the potential to drive significant change.

- Our Forests program is a national mission to transform one million hectares of barren land into thriving and socially valuable food forests that are self-sustaining. This initiative aligns with our commitment to regeneration, contributing to the preservation and restoration of ecosystems.

- In the Youth program, we are creating the world’s largest youth network for climate action. Empowering the next generation is fundamental to accelerating climate action, as youth play a central role in advocating for sustainable practices and driving systemic change.
Prakriti is an initiative of GAIA The Earth Foundation to demonstrate Social Forestry as a unique model to solve multiple social and ecological problems
The social forestry program is focused on cultivating multi-layered vertical food forests on barren land parcels for improving environmental ecosystems and providing increased income and livelihood to farmers.
5000 Acres of barren land is in pipeline to be converted into food forests using this special methodology impacting thousands of farmers and their families Read More
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