The social forestry program is focused on cultivating multi-layered vertical food forests on barren land parcels for improving environmental ecosystems and providing increased income and livelihood to farmers.
Several thousand acres of barren land is in pipeline to be converted into food forests using this special methodology impacting thousands of farmers and their families.
Mission Prakriti focuses on Rapid Afforestation, Lakes and River Rejuvenation; and Biodiversity Regeneration and at the same time provides livelihood opportunities to local communities with support from Responsible Corporates
Regenerative Social FORESTry

Restore Ecological Balance
Social Equity for the underprivileged local communities
- Growing Food forests on unutilized lands
- Reviving the natural water bodies
- Providing Livelihood to local farmers
Our projects help to develop a green economy and benefit an array of stakeholders present throughout the value chain for our ongoing and scheduled projects across India.
Madhya Pradesh


Mission Prakriti Carbon Offset Programme (MPCOP)
Mission Prakriti Carbon Offset Programme is positioned to help corporations, small to medium businesses, and start-ups offset a certain percentage of carbon emissions through Mission Prakriti Carbon Offset Programme (MPCOP) to achieve desirable sustainability standards.
Anchored on a regenerative social forestry model that adopts a holistic, social, and indigenous approach to rapid afforestation, this unique carbon offsetting program presents a multitude of benefits to participating companies. Corporate Partners get to not only offset their carbon but also engage in improving the livelihoods and social wellbeing of the underprivileged communities and thereby amplifying their social return on investment.